Restaurant Clients
Since 2014, RED Marketing has been actively involved in the restaurant industry. The journey began with Trumps Grillhouse & Butchery, marking the inception of our collabor ation. As their dedicated marketing partner, RED Marketing seamlessly handles a spectrum of services, from photography and content curation to social media management. Our expertise extends to website development, advertising, creative design services, media bookings, e vent management and influencer marketing
– a comprehensive approach aimed at promoting the restaurant.
In 2016, Ghazal North Indian Restaurant became another esteemed addition to our clientele, benefiting from the same services. Ov er the y ears, RED Mark eting has conducted numerous photo shoots for o ver 60 div erse restaurants – including prominent establishments at Sandton City , Mall of Africa, Nelson Mandela Square, 204 Oxford, Ba ywest Mall and Hemingwa ys Mall since 2015, as well as Tashas in Battersea, L ondon in 2024.