
Good content counts

Red Marketing News

October 28, 2020

We’ve all heard the phrase “content is king”. It might have become somewhat of a cliched phrase but, in a world where we’re inundated with messages, quality content marketing is crucial to getting your brand’s story across and giving you a leg up on your competitors.

Content marketing encapsulates a strategy to boost your business’ standing and customer loyalty. It’s about the entire journey, from marketing your business via a number of methods, from owned media (your own website, blog or video channel) to earned (word of mouth), paid and shared (social media). Equally important, however; it’s about your customers’ experience of interacting with your brand and products. Quality content enhances customer loyalty, engagement and lead generation.

So, how do you ensure you provide good content that’s useful to your consumers? Effectively, it’s about making the user experience as simple, straightforward and enjoyable as possible. One such method is ensuring that you include targeted keywords for SEO so that consumers can find your brand when using a search engine. On social media, your hashtags should be short, obvious and therefore easy to find.

Once the customer has located your company, make it easy for them to source the product or service you’re selling. A website with a clear mission statement and an easily navigable menu system, for example, or providing a link to a page you’ve mentioned on social media go a long way. Have the budget for professional ads? Make sure they’re interesting, engaging and on-brand.

Quality content will ensure you attract the right kind of consumer for your business, whether you’re a small start-up desiring to expand reach in a niche market segment, or a large corporation which wants to enhance customer retention.

Once you’ve caught their attention, you’re able to measure the results via tracking reports and cost-effectively tweak your marketing and advertising message according to the insights you’ve gleaned. Essentially, give consumers quality content from the get-go and watch the numbers grow as they return to your channels and tell their friends about your business.

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